Donate to OCA-DC

Please consider making a contribution to help us sustain our signature programs, as well as to build and cultivate the next generation of leaders and advocates in the APA community.

Donate to OCA-DC

There are four easy ways to donate to OCA-DC:

Send us a check

OCA-DC, Attn: Fundraising

P.O. Box 10433

Rockville, MD 20849





Donate via the combined federal campaign

If you are employed with the Federal government in the DC area, consider making a contribution to OCA-DC during the annual CFC campaign. Here’s how:

  1. Register: Register on Nexus at to be able to make a pledge to one of the 4,400 organizations
  2. Designate: Once you are registered, you will be able to designate contributions through payroll
  3. Donate: Choose to make a contribution to OCA-DC. Our CFC code is #49176 Organization of Chinese Americans of Greater Washington, DC Chapter (OCA-DC)

For more information, visit the CFCNCA website at or contact their customer support at 202-465-7230 or

Donor Benefits

OCA-DC has several levels of giving, and we invite you choose the level that is most appropriate for you. For more information, please see the Individual Sponsor AdvoKit for individual donors and the Corporate Sponsor AdvoKit for corporate and organizational donors.


If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Hank Hoang (, Vice President for Economic Development. Thank you for your time and consideration.